Why an 18-year-old girl decides to study topography is something that I have been raised more than once throughout my professional life.
I would like the answer to be more romantic, but the truth is that it was by chance. It was the year 93 and I was lost without knowing what to study when the COU ended.
One day I locked myself in the library of the institute (Benlliure de Valencia) to consult brochures of university careers, determined to leave there with a proposal of future in my hands. Since then I have not stopped training and growing in the field of topography. And during the last 10 years developing this work mainly in Calpe and the entire Marina Alta.
The topographer was a job that was quite unknown to me: nobody in my family had dedicated myself to this before. However, there was something that caught my attention, and it was the fact that the surveyors devoted half of their time to field work, without having to be locked in an office continuously. For me, this marked an important difference with the rest of the Engineering.
So I decided to become a topographer. That chance channeled my life and gave me a profession that I love and defines. He has filled my days for 19 years and those that will come. "Two roads bifurcated in a forest, I took the one less traveled, and that made all the difference" Robert Frost.